I am guilty of a few of these things. :(
- Spend time regretting the past and feeling sorry for yourself.
- Complain about problems and do nothing to solve them.
- Follow the path of least resistance and quit when the going gets tough.
- Ignore your passion and follow the money.
- Setup your lifestyle so it’s dependant on your next paycheck.
- Spend more than you earn and rack up lots of financial debt.
- Try to control everything and then worry about the things you can’t control.
- Focus on what you don’t want to happen.
- Fear the things you don’t fully understand.
- Let everyone else make decisions for you. Don’t decide on anything, ever.
- Let small issues snowball into big problems.
- Be jealous of everyone else.
- Hold onto anger. Never forgive anyone.
- Always be right. Never let anyone be more right than you.
- Seek external validation before you consider yourself good enough.
- Make sure everything you do impresses someone else.
- Lie to yourself and those around you and put up with others who lie to you.
- Keep doing the same thing over and over again until the day you die.
- Never finish what you start.
- Stay in the same place forever. Never travel.
- Compare yourself unfavorably to those who you feel are more successful.
- Belittle yourself and hang out with other people who belittle you.
- Never learn anything new.
- Never take responsibility for your own actions. Blame everyone around you.
- Don’t let anyone help you.
- Be suspicious. Trust no one.
- Multitask, multitask, multitask! Do everything at once.
- Fill every waking moment of your life with commitments.
- Don’t help others unless you have to. Do only the things that benefit you directly.
- Think about all the things you don’t have and frown.
- Never exercise. Only eat junk food and fried food. Let your health rot.
- Don’t say what you mean. Don’t mean what you say.
- Never tell anyone how you feel or what you’re thinking.
- Never say, “I’m sorry.” Never say, “I love you.”
- Get involved in other people’s problems and make them your own.
- Always put your own needs on the back burner.
- Make others feel bad about themselves.
- Watch TV for several hours every day.
- Do lots of drugs. Drink lots of alcohol.
- Don’t play, just work.
- Let your hobbies go.
- Let your close relationships go.
- Take everyone seriously and everything personally.
- Remember the insults, forget the compliments.
- Fail to plan. Always wait until the last minute.
- Let it all bottle up inside.
- Always disregard other people’s opinions and suggestions.
- Dream about your future goals and never take action to achieve them.
- Fear change and resist it.
- Work hard, do your best, and then condemn yourself for not achieving perfection.
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